Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My favorite Irish saying;

"May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,

May God hold you In the palm of his hand."

To continue in spirit of St. Patrick, I'll be brief in my comments today. I'd like to pose this thought to all of you who are with companies that have mountains of work to get done, possibly just reduced the head count to a level that is starting stress out the remaining employees and are trying to figure out how you can get through this economic mess and come out the other side poised and ready for the up turn. (Yes I am being optimistic, It's St. Patrick's Day after all!)

The up turn will happen - Will you be ready to take advantage of it? I can provide a low cost strategy that will insure you are. Take advantage of the large talent pool that is open to you NOW. Contrary to what you read and see and maybe feel, this is the time to hire. There is NOT going to be this much stellar talent available or ready to deal again for a long time. Hire them NOW!!
There are ways to pull this off WITHOUT impacting your bottom line, adding the cost of payroll or benefits to your bottom line. Contact me and we'll discuss the many options as I said prior I'll be brief it St. Patrick's Day!!
All the Best,
Timothy Patrick O'Dolan

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